Linda E. May, PhD, MS, FAHA

Dr. Linda E.MayCo-Director of the Human Performance Lab

Director, MS-Kinesiology-Exercise Physiology Concentration
Associate Professor, Tenure

371A Ward Sports Medicine Building,

Clinical Interests
Exercise during pregnancy; child development- specifically as it relates to heart, body composition, and oral health measures for the baby before and after birth; improving the overall health of women and children.


PhD – Kent State University and Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
MS – University of Florida
BS – University of Florida

Society Memberships

American Heart Association (AHA)
International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
American Physiological Society (APS)
American Association of Anatomists (AAA)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

Biographical Information

Dr. Linda May, associate professor in the Kinesiology Department of Health and Human Performance, teaches exercise physiology students and is adjunct faculty in obstetrics and gynecology for the Brody School of Medicine. Dr. May conducts research on topics relating to the influence of maternal exercise during pregnancy on child development before and after birth. Her research is presented in world-wide media outlets, including the New York Times.

Dr. May received a PhD from Kent State University and Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Her dissertation focus was on the development of the cardiac beta-adrenergic system in BAX and NGF knockout mice. She attended the University of Florida where she earned a MS, graduating Cum Laude in Exercise physiology. Dr. May also graduated, with Honors, from the University of Florida with a BS in Sports Administration.

Dr. May published her first book “Physiology of Prenatal Exercise and Fetal Development” in 2012, and has won the 2017 East Carolina University Health Sciences Author Award. Dr. May has taught for over fifteen years, in subjects including histology, physiology, and gross anatomy. Her hobbies and interests include spending time with her family, biking, exercising, gardening, cooking, baseball, and the outdoors.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

  1. Mouro, S, McDonald, S, Isler, C, DeVente, J, Newton, E, Hildebrand, J, Kuehn, D, Davidson, B, Kelley, G, Chasan-Taber, L, Broskey, N, May, LE. (2022). Influence of Prenatal Exercise on the Relationship Between Maternal Overweight and Obesity and Select Delivery Outcomes. Scientific Reports In print.
  2. Hagen, JT; Montgomery, MM; Biagioni, EM; Krassovskaia, P; Jevtovic, F; Shookster, D; Sharma, U; Tung, K; Broskey, NT; May, LE; Huang, H; Neufer, PD; Cabot, MC, Fisher-Wellman, K. (2022). Intrinsic adaptations in OXPHOS power output and reduced tumorigenicity characterize doxorubicin resistant ovarian cancer cells. In Print for BBA – Bioenergetics.
  3. Strom, CJ, McDonald, SM, Kew, KA, Houmard, JA, Tulis, DA, Pawlak, R, Kelley, GA, Chasan-Taber, L, Newton, E, Isler, C, DeVente, J, Wisseman, B, May, LE. (2022). A Narrative Review of The Individual Benefits of Maternal Exercise or PUFA Supplementation During Pregnancy: Are we missing something? Acta Scientific Women’s Health – in Print.
  4. Romero-Gallardo L, Roldan Reoyo O, Castro-Piñero J, May LE, Ocón-Hernández O, Mottola MF, Aparicio VA, Soriano-Maldonado A. Assessment of physical fitness during pregnancy: validity and reliability of fitness tests, and relationship with maternal and neonatal health – a systematic review. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022;8(3):e001318. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001318. eCollection 2022. PubMed PMID: 36172399; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9511659.
  5. May, L, Jevtovic, F. (2022). Influence of Maternal Exercise on Offspring Metabolic Measures. Ed. Miljana Jovandaric. IntechOpen. In print.
  6. Romero-Gallardo, L, Roldan-Reoyo, O, Castro-Pinero, J, Odon, O, Aparicio, V, Soriano-Maldonado, A, Mottola, M, May, L. (2022). Physical Fitness Assessment During Pregnancy. ACSM FIT Themed Issue. In print
  7. Allman, B, McDonald, S, May, L, Kinsey, A, Borsheim, E. (2022). Chapter: Using Resistance Training in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus to Improve Glucose Regulation. Miroslav Radenkovic (Editor), Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – New Developments. IntechOpen. In print.
  8. Strom, CJ, McDonald, SM, Remchak, MM, Kew, KA, Rushing, BR, Houmard, JA, Tulis, DA, Pawlak, R, Kelley, GA, Chasan-Taber, L, Newton, E, Isler, C, DeVente, J, Raper, M, May, LE. (2022). Maternal Aerobic Exercise, But Not Blood Docosahexaenoic Acid, and Eicosaentaenoic Acid Concentrations, during Pregnancy Influence Infant Body Composition. IJERPH 19(14): 8293. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19148293.
  9. Allman, B, McDonald, S, May, LE, Borseim, E. (2022). The Role of Resistance Training as a Countermeasure in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Sports Medicine Open Access in print.
  10. Chaves, AB, Weyrauch, LA, Zheng, D, Biagioni, EM, Krassovskaia, PM, Davidson, BL, Broskey, NT, Boyle, KE, May, LE, Houmard, JA. (2022). Influence of maternal exercise on glucose and lipid metabolism in offspring stem cells: ENHANCED by Mom. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 107(8):e3353-e3365. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgac270.
  11. Strom, CJ, McDonald, SM, Remchak, MM, Kew, KA, Rushing, BR, Houmard, JA, Tulis, DA, Pawlak, R, Kelley, GA, Chasan-Taber, L, Newton, EN, Isler, C, DeVente, J, Raper, M, May, LE. The Influence of Maternal Aerobic Exercise, Blood DHA and EPA Concentrations on Maternal Lipid Profiles. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (6): 3550. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063550.
  12. Davenport, Margie H; Neil-Sztramko, Sarah; Lett, Bridgett; Duggan, Mary; Mottola, Michelle F.; Ruchat, Stephanie-May ; Adamo, Kristi B.; Andrews, Kate; Artal, Raul; Beamish, Nicole; Chari, Radha; Forte, Milena; Lane, Kirstin N.; May, Linda E; Maclaren, Kaleigh; Zahavich, Ashley. (2022). Development of the Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy: Breaking down barriers to prenatal exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 47(7):787-803. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2021-0655. Epub 2022 Apr 20.
  13. Chaves, AB, Zheng, D, Johnson, JA, Bergman, BC, Patinkin, ZW, Zaegel, V, Biagioni, EM, Krassovskaia, PM, Broskey, NT, May, LE, Dabelea, D, Houmard, JA, Boyle, KE. (2021). Infant Mesenchymal Stem Cell Insulin Action is Associated with Maternal Plasma Free Fatty Acids, Independent of Obesity Status: The Healthy Start Study. Diabetes. 71(8):1649-1659. doi: 10.2337/db21-0812.
  14. May, LE, Davis, BA, Johnston, CA, Sarno, L, Steed, RD, Strickland, D, McDonald, SM, Wisseman, B,

Newton, ER, Isler, C, Yeo, S, Kuehn, D, May, LE. (2021). Influence of Light Intensity Exercise during Pregnancy on Fetal Echocardiographic and Maternal Cardiovascular Measures. Journal of Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions – DOI:10.31579/2641-0419/237

  1. Wisseman, BD, Jones, C, Golembe, N, Newton, ER, Isler, C, DeVente, J, McDonald, S, Strom, C, Kuehn, D, May, LE. (2021). In-Person Prenatal Exercise during COVID-19 Pandemic Modulates Late Pregnancy Blood Pressure. Medical Research Archives.
  2. Murphy, S, Johnston, C, Isler, C, Newton, E, McDonald, S, Strom, C, May, L. (2021). Influence of Exercise Type on Maternal Blood Pressure Adaptation Throughout Pregnancy. AJOG Global Reports. 2(1):100023. doi: 10.1016/j.xagr.2021.100023. eCollection 2022 Feb.
  3. McDonald, SM, May, LE, Hinkle, SN, Grantz, KL, Zhang, C. (2021). Maternal Moderate-to-Vigorous

Physical Activity Before and During Pregnancy and Maternal Glucose Tolerance: Does Timing Matter? MSSE. May 2021. 53(12):2520-2527. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002730.

  1. Barrera, D, Upton, S, Rauch, M, Notarianni, T, Suk Eum, K, Liberty, M, Liu, R, Newcomer, S, May, LE, Agbas, E, Sage, J, Kosa, E, Agbas, A. (2021). Measuring mitochondrial electron transfer complexes in previously frozen cardiac tissue from the offspring of sow: A model to assess exercise induced mitochondrial bioenergetics changes. bioRXiv: June 9, 2021. Doi:
  2. Romero-Gallardo, L, Soriano-Maldonado, AS, Castro-Pinero, J, Roldan-Reoyo, O, May, LE. Aparicio, VA. (2021). Assessing physical fitness during pregnancy: validity and reliability of fitness tests, and relationship with maternal and neonatal health-related outcomes. A systematic review. medRxiv DOI :10.1101/2021.06.26.21259584
  3. Barrera, D, Upton, S, Rauch, M, Notarianni, T, Suk Eum, K, Liberty, M, Liu, R, Newcomer, S, May, LE, Agbas, E, Sage, J, Kosa, E, Agbas, A. (2021). Measuring mitochondrial electron transfer complexes in previously frozen cardiac tissue from the offspring of sow: A model to assess exercise induced mitochondrial bioenergetics changes. Journal of Visualized Experiments: June 15, 2021.
  4. Brown, A, Kordis, A, Cotterill, C, Pardi, V, May, LE. (2021). The Influence of Diet, Exercise, and Education Level During Pregnancy on Child Cavities and Tooth Eruption. Science Repository, May 2021. In print.
  5. Cai, C, Zhang, Z, McDonald, S, Strom, C, May, LE, Steinback, CD, Davenport, MH. (2021). Leisure-time physical activity before and during pregnancy is associated with improved insulin resistance in late pregnancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Apr 2021. 21;18(9):4413. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18094413.
  6. Raper, MJ, McDonald, SM, Johnston, C, Isler, C, Newton, E, Kuehn, D, Collier, D, Broskey, N, Muldrow, A, May, LE. (2021). The Influence of Exercise During Pregnancy on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities and Birth Outcomes. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, March 2021. 21(1):258. doi: 10.1186/s12884- 021-03717-5.
  7. Biagioni, E, May, LE, Broskey, N (2021). The Impact Of Advanced Maternal Age On Pregnancy And

Offspring Health: A Mechanistic Role For Placental Angiogenic Growth Mediators. Placenta. March

2021. 106:15-21. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2021.01.024. Epub 2021 Jan 31.

  1. McDonald, S.M., Strom, C, Remchak, M, Chaves, A, Broskey, N, Isler, C., Haven, K., Newton, E.R.,

DeVente, J, Aparicio, V, May, L. (2021). The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Markers of Maternal Metabolism During Pregnancy. Birth Defects Journal, 113(3):227-237. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1780. Epub 2020 Aug 16.

  1. McDonald, S.M., Isler, C., Haven, K., Newton, E.R., Strickland, D., Kuehn, D., Kelley, G., Chasan-Taber, L., May, L.E. (2021). Moderate intensity aerobic exercise during pregnancy and 1-month infant morphometry. Birth Defects Journal: Feb 2021. 113(3):238-247. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.1671.
  2. McDonald, S.M., Newton, E.R., Strickland, D., Isler, C., Haven, K., Kelley, G., Chasan-Taber, L.. Kuehn, D., May, L.E. (2020). Influence of Prenatal Aerobic Exercise on Fetal Morphometry. Maternal and Child Health Journal, Nov 2020. 24(11):1367-1375. doi: 10.1007/s10995-020-03000-7.
  3. Mamillapalli, SS, Smith-Joyner, A, Forbes, L, McIntyreKS, Poppenfuse, S, Rushing, B, Strom, C, Danell, A, May, L, Kuehn, D Kew, K, Ravisankar, S,. (2020). Screening for Opioids and Stimulant Exposure in utero using Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis of Umbilical Cords. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Journal, Oct 2020. 42(5):787-794. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0000000000000753.
  4. Baena-Garcia, L, Coll-Risco, I, Ocon-Hernandez, O, Romero-Gallardo, L, Acosta-Manzano, P, May, L, Aparicio, VA. (2020). Association of objectively measured physical fitness during pregnancy with maternal and neonatal outcomes. The GESTAFIT Project. PloS One, Feb 2020 15(2): e0229079. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229079
  5. May, L.E., McDonald, S.M., Jones, R., Forbes, L., Newton E.R., Strickland, D., Isler, C., Haven, K., Steed, D., Hartman, R., Sarno, L., Kelley, G.A., Chasan-Taber, L., , Kuehn, D. (2020). Influence of maternal aerobic exercise during pregnancy on fetal cardiac function and outflow: AJOG-MFM, Feb 2020. 2(2): 100095. doi: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2020.100095. Epub 2020 Feb 27.
  6. Roldan-Reoyo, O, Pelaez, M, May, LE, Barakat, R. (2019). Influence of Maternal Physical Exercise on Fetal and Maternal Heart Rate Responses. German Journal of Sports & Exercise Review
  7. Gross McMillan, A, Isler, C, Kuehn, D, May, LE. (2019). The Effects of Exercise During Pregnancy on Infant Neuromotor Skills at One Month of Age. MSSE 51(8): 1671-1676. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001958. [Epub ahead of print]
  8. Clark, E, Isler, C, Strickland, D, Gross McMillan, A, Fang, X, Kuehn, D, Ravisankar, S, Strom, C May, L. (2019). Influence of Aerobic Exercise on Maternal Lipid Levels and Offspring Morphometrics. Int J Obes (Lond). 43(3): 594-602. doi: 10.1038/s41366-018-0258-z. [Epub ahead of print]
  9. McDonald, S, Satterfield, N, May, LE, Newton, E, Livingston, J, Fang, X. (2018). Influence of Exercise in Pregnancy on Fetal Heart Response during Labor and Delivery. Health Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 13;1(10):e81. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.81. eCollection 2018 Oct.
  10. Purdy G, James M, Wakefield P, Skow RJ, van Diepen S, May LE, Davenport MH and Steinback CD. (2018). Maternal cardioautonomic responses during and following exercise throughout pregnancy. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, 42(S2): S95, 2018.
  11. Hornbuckle, LM, Amutah-Onukagha, N, Bryan, A, Edwards, ES, Madzima, T, Massey, K, May, L, Robinson, LE. (2017). Health Disparities in Women. Clinical Medicine Insights: Women’s Health 10: 1-4.
  12. Suminski RR, Taylor WC, May LE and Blair RI. (2017). Primary Care Provider’s Consideration of Environmental Factors When Counseling Patients about Physical Activity. SM Prev Med Public Health. 2017; 1(2): 1009.
  13. May, LE, Spencer, K, Daniels, R, Rouse, J, Stoop, A, White, W, Suminski, R. (2017). Community Awareness of Pregnancy and Child Health in Four North Carolina Counties. Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health 3(6): 294. doi:10.4172/2376-127X.1000294
  14. Newton, E, May, LE. (2017). Adaptation of maternal-fetal physiology during exercise in pregnancy: The basis of guidelines for physical activity in pregnancy. Clin Med Insights Women’s Health. 2017 Feb 23;10:1179562X17693224. doi: 10.1177/1179562X17693224. eCollection 2017.


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